Welcome to the
Alumni Network

Keep existing connections and make new ones, receive exclusive member benefits, become a part of the community.

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Welcome from Nick - CEO, PageGroup

This is our PageGroup alumni network – a network we’d love you to join!

PageGroup has helped shape the careers of so many people, who have gone on to either pursue their career in recruitment, or to do something entirely different.

We all know the power of networks and with the skills and expertise of the people who have been a part of our unique culture, we have the opportunity to create an equally unique worldwide alumni network.

We want to stay in touch and help you stay in touch with others. We hope you’ll enjoy hearing about PageGroup today and how we’ve changed. You may even think about rejoining us!

Whatever you’re doing now and wherever you’re doing it, we’d love to hear from you. Join today!

Nick Kirk

CEO PageGroup

Nick Kirk

Career Opportunities